
The G Scraper

Don't take our word for it, hear what people in the horse industry think about it:

Gillian Heinrich – Horse Trainer

"The first thing I pack in the race bag."


Peter Keating – Stud Manager

"More efficient than any other scraper on the market."

Paul & Sally McGrath – Polocrosse

"Simple, tough and reliable."

Judy & Peta Jackson – Show Horses

"The most safe, practical and effective tool in my tackbox."


Brad Drennan - Master Farrier

"My customers often turn to me for advice, and one thing - in my view - that's very important after any fast work with horses, whether it be eventing or racing is to get the horse's temperature back to normal, as soon as possible.  For this I recommend rapid or aggressive cooling.

It has been proven that the most effective way to cool a hot horse is to apply cold water to the horse's body and then immediately scrape it off.  The act of scraping the water off quickly is the most important part, because if the water is left on the body for too long it simply heats up, and blocks the loss of heat through the horse's skin.

Basically, the quicker you get the water off - the quicker you get your horse's temperature back to normal, and the quickest way to scrape the water off is with The G Scraper"

Gillian Heinrich
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